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arto() Function

arto is the primary factory function in Arto that creates your configuration for generating dynamic, variant- and state-based class strings. After you define a config and optionally pass in local plugins, it returns a callable function which you invoke with the user’s chosen variants, states, and (optionally) a context object.

Function Signature

export function arto<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue> = Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string = string,
  TContext = unknown,
  config: Readonly<ArtoConfig<TVariants, TStates, TContext>>,
  plugins?: Plugin<TVariants, TStates, TContext>[],
): (options?: {
  variants?: Partial<TVariants>
  states?: Partial<Record<TStates, boolean>>
  context?: TContext
}) => string


  1. config: An ArtoConfig describing:

    • base className (string, array, or callback)
    • variants (size, theme, etc.)
    • states (hover, disabled, etc.)
    • rules for advanced conditional logic
    • defaultVariants for fallback values
  2. plugins? (optional): An array of local plugins. These will be merged with any plugins registered globally via pluginHub.

Return Value

A callable function that accepts an options object with:

  • variants?: The user’s chosen variant values (overriding defaults).
  • states?: Boolean flags for active states.
  • context?: An optional object to pass to callbacks or plugin logic.

It returns the final space-joined class string.

Basic Usage

import { arto } from 'arto'

type Variants = {
  size: 'small' | 'large'
  theme: 'primary' | 'secondary'
type States = 'disabled'

const buttonConfig = arto<Variants, States>({
  className: 'inline-flex items-center font-medium',
  variants: {
    size: {
      small: 'px-2 py-1 text-sm',
      large: 'px-4 py-2 text-base',
    theme: {
      primary: 'bg-blue-500 text-white',
      secondary: 'bg-gray-200 text-gray-800',
  states: {
    disabled: 'opacity-50 pointer-events-none',
  defaultVariants: {
    size: 'large',
  rules: [
      when: {
        variants: { theme: ['primary'] },
        states: ['disabled'],
      remove: { variants: ['theme'] },
      add: 'bg-blue-300 text-white',

// Generate final classes
const finalClasses = buttonConfig({
  variants: { size: 'small', theme: 'secondary' },
  states: { disabled: false },

// => "inline-flex items-center font-medium px-2 py-1 text-sm bg-gray-200 text-gray-800"


  • base className: 'inline-flex items-center font-medium'.
  • variants (size, theme): Provide multiple styling “modes.”
  • states (disabled): Applies additional classes if true.
  • defaultVariants: If size or theme isn’t specified, Arto uses defaults.
  • rules: If theme=primary AND disabled is true, remove the primary classes and replace with 'bg-blue-300 text-white'.

Local Plugins

import { arto } from 'arto'
import { MyLocalPlugin } from './my-plugin'

const configWithPlugin = arto(
    className: 'block rounded',
    // additional config fields...

const result = configWithPlugin()

Any local plugins passed as the second argument run alongside the built-in Arto plugins and any global plugins registered in pluginHub.

Default vs Provided Variants

If a variant is listed in defaultVariants and the user doesn’t specify that variant, Arto uses the default. For example, if size defaults to 'large', calling buttonConfig({}) produces 'large' classes automatically.

If the user does provide a value, it overrides the default.

Error Handling

  • Invalid variant value: If you specify theme: 'unknown', Arto throws an error because 'unknown' isn’t defined in the config.
  • State dependencies: If a state has dependsOn that isn’t satisfied, Arto skips its classes.
  • Plugin errors: If a custom plugin or rule logic fails, Arto may throw an ArtoError with a descriptive message.

Performance Considerations

  • Don’t re-instantiate the config on every render (in React, for example). Define it once or memoize it.
  • If you call the returned function with the same variants/states repeatedly, consider caching or memoization to avoid repeated class generation overhead.


  • arto(...) is the main function to define your class-management config.
  • It returns a function for converting variants, states, and context into a final class string.
  • By combining base classes, variants, states, and rules, you can build complex styling logic in a single typed config.
  • Local plugins can be appended, and global plugins automatically merge in.

For more details, see:

Open-sourced under the MIT License. Contributions are welcome!