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Variants & States Types

In Arto, variants and states are core concepts for styling flexibility. Variants allow you to define different “modes” (like size, theme, etc.), while states handle ephemeral or boolean-driven styles (like disabled, hover, focused). This page covers the TypeScript definitions behind these features.


export type VariantValue = string | number

Variants typically map string or number values to classes. For instance, size could have possible values: 'small', 'medium', 'large' (all strings), or '1', '2', 3 if you prefer numeric.


export type VariantOptions<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string,
  TContext = unknown,
> = {
   * Each key (e.g., 'size', 'theme') maps to an object
   * whose keys are possible variant values (e.g., 'small', 'large'),
   * and whose values are either:
   *   - ClassName<TContext> (string, array, or callback)
   *   - A VariantConfig with optional nested states
  [K in keyof TVariants]?: {
    [V in TVariants[K]]: ClassName<TContext> | VariantConfig<TStates, TContext>


  • A VariantOptions object has keys that match your variant names (like size, theme).
  • Each variant key is an object whose keys are the possible values of that variant (e.g., 'small', 'large').
  • The values can be class strings, arrays, or even a VariantConfig that contains advanced options and nested states.


export interface VariantConfig<TStates extends string = never, TContext = unknown> {
   * Base class names to apply when this variant is selected
  className?: ClassName<TContext>

   * Nested states that only apply if this variant is selected (and the state is active)
  states?: StatesOptions<TStates, TContext>


A VariantConfig allows you to specify:

  • className: Classes for that variant value.
  • states: A nested StatesOptions that only apply if the user picks this variant value.

For example:

  size: {
    small: {
      className: "px-2 py-1 text-sm",
      states: {
        hover: "bg-gray-50"
    large: {
      className: "px-4 py-2 text-base",
      states: {
        hover: "bg-gray-100"


export type StatesOptions<TStates extends string, TContext = unknown> = {
  [K in TStates]?: ClassName<TContext> | StateConfig<TStates, TContext>

A StatesOptions object maps each state name to either a direct class name or a StateConfig.


export interface StateConfig<TStates extends string, TContext = unknown> {
   * Class(es) to apply if this state is active
  className: ClassName<TContext>

   * Optional dependencies:
   *   - An array describing states that must/must not be active
   *   - A function receiving (activeStates, context) => boolean
  dependsOn?: StateDependency<TStates, TContext>


  • className: The classes (or callback) to apply if the state is active.
  • dependsOn: Additional conditions specifying that this state only applies if certain other states are (or are not) active, or a function returning true/false based on advanced logic.


export type StateDependency<TStates extends string, TContext = unknown> =
  | Array<TStates | { not: TStates[] }>
  | ((activeStates: Set<TStates>, context?: TContext) => boolean)

Possible Forms: An array of required states or not: states:

dependsOn: ['hover', { not: ['disabled'] }]

means hover must be active and disabled must not be active. 2. A function that returns true or false based on (activeStates, context).

Putting It All Together

Here’s a snippet that defines variants and states using these types under the hood:

import { arto } from 'arto'

const cardConfig = arto({
  className: 'transition-shadow border rounded-md',
  variants: {
    shadow: {
      none: 'shadow-none',
      small: {
        className: 'shadow-sm',
        states: {
          hover: {
            className: 'shadow-md',
            dependsOn: ['hover', { not: ['disabled'] }],
      large: {
        className: 'shadow-lg',
        states: {
          hover: 'shadow-xl',
  states: {
    disabled: 'opacity-60 pointer-events-none',

// If user picks shadow=small and hover + not disabled => "shadow-md"


  • Variants map keys (like size, theme) to possible string or numeric values, each corresponding to certain classes.
  • VariantConfig allows advanced usage, including nested states that only apply when that variant value is selected.
  • States can be simple ("bg-red-500") or complex ({ className: ..., dependsOn: ... }).
  • dependsOn arrays or functions let you define conditions on other states before applying the class.

These types power Arto’s flexible system for building dynamic, composable class strings. Check out:

Open-sourced under the MIT License. Contributions are welcome!