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Rules & Logic Types

Arto Rules provide a flexible way to conditionally remove or add classes based on your chosen variants, active states, or even custom logic. Each rule has a when condition, plus optional remove and/or add properties. This page delves into the types that define these rules and their associated logic operators.

ArtoRule<TVariants, TStates, TContext>

export interface ArtoRule<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string,
  TContext = unknown,
> {
  // Conditions describing which variants/states must match, plus logic details
  when: ArtoRuleWhen<TVariants, TStates, TContext>

  // Classes or variant/state classes to remove when the condition passes
  remove?: ArtoRuleRemove<TVariants, TStates>

  // Classes to add if the condition passes
  add?: ClassName<TContext>

Key Fields:

  • when: Defines conditions for variants and states (e.g., theme: ['primary'], states ['disabled']), plus how to combine them (AND, OR, etc.).
  • remove: Specifies which classes or variant/state buckets to remove.
  • add: Specifies any classes to inject when the rule condition passes.

ArtoRuleWhen<TVariants, TStates, TContext>

export interface ArtoRuleWhen<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string,
  TContext = unknown,
> {
   * An object mapping variant keys to an array of acceptable values.
   * e.g. { size: ['small', 'medium'] }
  variants?: {
    [K in keyof TVariants]?: TVariants[K][]

   * States that must be active.
   * e.g. states: ['disabled', 'hover']
  states?: TStates[]

   * Defines how to interpret the conditions (logical operator or object).
   * e.g. 'AND', 'OR', or a function receiving (meta, context).
  logic?: ArtoLogic<TVariants, TStates, TContext>


  • variants: If you list { theme: ['primary', 'secondary'] }, it means “theme must be either primary OR secondary.”
  • states: e.g. ['disabled', 'hover'] means both disabled AND hover must be active by default (unless you specify a different logic operator).
  • logic: Allows you to define how to evaluate multiple conditions (AND, OR, etc.), or even supply a callback.

ArtoRuleRemove<TVariants, TStates>

export interface ArtoRuleRemove<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string,
> {
   * Array of variant keys whose classes to remove
  variants?: (keyof TVariants)[]

   * Array of states whose classes to remove
  states?: TStates[]

   * Scope of states: 'global' | 'variant' | 'all'
   * (default is 'all')
  statesScope?: 'global' | 'variant' | 'all'

   * If true, remove all previously added base classes
  base?: boolean


  • variants: e.g. ['size', 'theme'] to clear all classes associated with those variant keys.
  • states: e.g. ['disabled'] to remove the classes for that state (and possibly variant-level states if statesScope = 'all').
  • statesScope:
    • 'global': Only remove global state classes.
    • 'variant': Only remove variant-level state classes.
    • 'all': Remove both global and variant-level state classes.
  • base: If true, remove all base classes that came from className.

ArtoLogic<TVariants, TStates, TContext>

export type ArtoLogic<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string,
  TContext = unknown,
> = LogicOperator | ArtoLogicObject | ArtoLogicCallback<TVariants, TStates, TContext>

ArtoLogic can be:

  1. LogicOperator (string): 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT', 'XOR', 'IMPLIES'.
  2. ArtoLogicObject: Breaks down how variants and states are evaluated (variants: 'AND' | 'OR', states: 'AND' | 'OR', combine: 'AND' | 'OR').
  3. ArtoLogicCallback: A function receiving (meta, context) returning a boolean.

Logic Operators

export type LogicOperator = 'AND' | 'OR' | 'NOT' | 'XOR' | 'IMPLIES'


  • AND: All conditions must be true.
  • OR: At least one condition is true.
  • NOT: All conditions must be false.
  • XOR: Exactly one condition is true.
  • IMPLIES: For two conditions, A => B means if A is true, then B must be true. (For more than two, only first two matter.)


export interface ArtoLogicObject {
   * How to evaluate variant conditions: 'AND' or 'OR'
  variants?: 'AND' | 'OR'

   * How to evaluate state conditions: 'AND' or 'OR'
  states?: 'AND' | 'OR'

   * How to combine variant and state results: 'AND' or 'OR'
  combine?: 'AND' | 'OR'

When using ArtoLogicObject, you separately define how variants are combined, how states are combined, and then how to combine those two results overall. Defaults to 'AND' if omitted.


export type ArtoLogicCallback<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string,
  TContext = unknown,
> = (meta: RuleEvalMeta<TVariants, TStates>, context: TContext | undefined) => boolean


export interface RuleEvalMeta<
  TVariants extends Record<string, VariantValue>,
  TStates extends string,
> {
  variantMatches: Partial<Record<keyof TVariants, boolean>>
  stateMatches: Partial<Record<TStates, boolean>>
  selectedVariants: TVariants
  activeStates: Set<TStates>

In this approach, you get direct access to whether each variant key or state matched, plus the user’s selected variants and active states. Return true if the rule should apply, or false if it should not.

Example Rule Setup

const config = arto({
  className: 'block',
  variants: {
    theme: { primary: 'text-white bg-blue-600', secondary: 'text-gray-700 bg-gray-100' },
  states: { disabled: 'opacity-60 pointer-events-none' },
  rules: [
      when: {
        variants: { theme: ['primary'] },
        states: ['disabled'],
        logic: 'AND', // default anyway
      remove: { variants: ['theme'] },
      add: 'bg-blue-300 text-white',
      when: {
        variants: { theme: ['primary'] },
        states: ['disabled', 'hover'],
        // Custom logic function
        logic: (meta) => {
          // If 'theme' is 'primary' and any state is active => apply
          const isPrimary = meta.variantMatches.theme
          const anyStateActive = Object.values(meta.stateMatches).some(Boolean)
          return Boolean(isPrimary) && anyStateActive
      remove: { base: true },
      add: 'bg-purple-600 text-white',


  1. First rule: If theme = primary AND disabled = true, remove the theme classes and add 'bg-blue-300 text-white'.
  2. Second rule: If theme = primary AND any state is active, remove all base classes and add 'bg-purple-600 text-white'.

If multiple rules match simultaneously, both can run—so order matters if they remove or add overlapping classes.


  • A rule is an object with when, remove, and add fields:
    • when: Conditions on variants/states + logic.
    • remove: Which classes (base, variant, state) to strip if conditions pass.
    • add: Additional classes to apply in that scenario.
  • Logic can be as simple as 'AND' / 'OR' or as advanced as a callback for custom meta evaluations.
  • Operators (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, IMPLIES) let you combine multiple conditions.
  • Arto evaluates rules after applying base classes, variants, and states (by default in the 'core' or 'after' stage).

Check the Rules Guide for practical usage examples or see how Plugins might hook into rule logic.

Open-sourced under the MIT License. Contributions are welcome!