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Variants are a key concept in Arto that let you define different "modes" or "options" for a component. Examples include size (small, large), theme (light, dark), or any other dimension of styling.

Defining a Variant

You can think of a variant as a single key that maps to possible string values. Arto then translates those variant values into specific classes. For example, size: { small: '...', large: '...' }:

import { arto } from 'arto'

type Variants = {
  size: 'small' | 'large'

const inputConfig = arto<Variants>({
  className: 'border p-2',
  variants: {
    size: {
      small: 'text-sm w-32',
      large: 'text-base w-64',

const smallInput = inputConfig({ variants: { size: 'small' } })
// => "border p-2 text-sm w-32"

const largeInput = inputConfig({ variants: { size: 'large' } })
// => "border p-2 text-base w-64"

Multiple Variants

In many real-world scenarios, you'll define multiple variant keys—like size, theme, iconPosition, etc. Each key can have multiple values:

import { arto } from 'arto'

type Variants = {
  size: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'
  theme: 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'danger'

const buttonConfig = arto<Variants>({
  className: 'inline-flex items-center rounded',
  variants: {
    size: {
      small: 'px-2 py-1 text-sm',
      medium: 'px-3 py-1.5 text-base',
      large: 'px-4 py-2 text-lg',
    theme: {
      primary: 'bg-blue-500 text-white',
      secondary: 'bg-gray-100 text-gray-800',
      danger: 'bg-red-500 text-white',

const dangerLarge = buttonConfig({
  variants: { size: 'large', theme: 'danger' },
// => "inline-flex items-center rounded px-4 py-2 text-lg bg-red-500 text-white"

Default Variants

Sometimes, you want to specify a "default" value for each variant, so users don’t have to pass it every time:

import { arto } from 'arto'

type Variants = {
  type: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error'
  size: 'small' | 'normal' | 'large'

const alertConfig = arto<Variants>({
  className: 'rounded-md p-2',
  variants: {
    type: {
      info: 'bg-blue-100 text-blue-800',
      success: 'bg-green-100 text-green-800',
      warning: 'bg-yellow-100 text-yellow-800',
      error: 'bg-red-100 text-red-800',
    size: {
      small: 'text-xs',
      normal: 'text-sm',
      large: 'text-base',
  defaultVariants: {
    type: 'info',
    size: 'normal',

// If we omit `size` and `type`, Arto uses 'info' + 'normal':
const defaultAlert = alertConfig()
// => "rounded-md p-2 bg-blue-100 text-blue-800 text-sm"

Nested Variant Config

A "variant config" can be more than just a string; it can also define variant-level states. For instance:

import { arto } from 'arto'

type Variants = {
  shadow: 'none' | 'small' | 'large'
type States = 'hover'

const cardConfig = arto<Variants, States>({
  className: 'transition-shadow border rounded-md',
  variants: {
    shadow: {
      none: 'shadow-none',
      small: {
        className: 'shadow-sm',
        states: {
          hover: 'shadow-md',
      large: {
        className: 'shadow-lg',
        states: {
          hover: 'shadow-xl',
  states: {
    hover: 'border-blue-300',

// If `shadow = large` and `hover` is active, we get 'shadow-xl' plus 'border-blue-300'


  • className: 'shadow-lg' or 'shadow-sm' is the base for each variant value.
  • states: You can define hover or other states that only apply when a specific variant is active.

Validating Variant Values

If a user tries to select a variant value that isn’t defined, Arto will throw an error. This helps ensure your UI stays consistent:

import { arto } from 'arto'

type Variants = {
  theme: 'primary' | 'secondary'

const buttonConfig = arto<Variants>({
  className: 'btn',
  variants: {
    theme: {
      primary: 'btn-primary',
      secondary: 'btn-secondary',

// This is valid:
buttonConfig({ variants: { theme: 'primary' } })

// This throws an error: "Invalid value 'dark' for variant 'theme'"
buttonConfig({ variants: { theme: 'dark' } })


  • Variants let you map distinct style choices (e.g., size, theme) to specific classes.
  • You can define multiple variants in one configuration, each with multiple possible values.
  • Default variants let you omit optional choices.
  • Nested configs allow deeper usage such as variant-level states.
  • Arto catches invalid variant values at runtime, aiding consistency and correctness.

When you’re ready for dynamic styling beyond variants, check out States or skip ahead to Rules for advanced conditional logic.

Open-sourced under the MIT License. Contributions are welcome!