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Local Development

If you want to hack on Arto directly—whether fixing bugs, adding features, or debugging an issue—this guide explains how the monorepo is structured and how to run everything locally.

Repository Structure Overview

The Arto codebase is organized as a pnpm workspace. Key folders:

  • /packages/arto: The main library source code (TypeScript).
    • src/ – core implementation.
    • __tests__/ – unit tests.
  • /examples/: Example apps demonstrating usage of Arto in React or other frameworks.
    • react/ – a small React + Tailwind project to test local changes.
  • /docs/: VitePress documentation for the Arto website.
  • Root-level scripts in package.json for building, testing, etc.

You can navigate around to see how each part fits together.

Cloning & Installing

Clone your fork (or the main repo):

git clone<your-username>/arto.git
cd arto
pnpm install

We use pnpm for package management, and it handles installing for all sub-packages in the workspace.

Building & Watching

A few handy root scripts exist for building Arto:

pnpm build    # Builds all packages (including /packages/arto)
pnpm watch    # Watches for changes in packages and rebuilds them (useful for local dev)

If you only want to build or watch a single package, you can also target it with filters, e.g.:

pnpm --filter "./packages/arto" run build
pnpm --filter "./packages/arto" run build --watch


Arto uses Vitest for unit tests:

pnpm test     # Runs the test suite, collecting coverage

If you want to run tests in watch mode (re-run on file changes), you can do:

pnpm test:watch

Running Local Examples

To see your local changes in action, you can run one of the example apps in /examples/. For instance, the React example:

pnpm --filter "./examples/react" dev

This starts a local Vite dev server (by default on http://localhost:5173). The example project references your local /packages/arto code due to the pnpm workspace symlink. So, any changes you make to Arto’s source (while running pnpm watch) will immediately reflect in the example app.

Editing the Docs

If you plan to modify the docs, you can run:

pnpm docs:dev

Then navigate to the displayed local URL (likely http://localhost:5173). Changes to the markdown files in docs/ are hot-reloaded.

Typical Workflow

  1. Install & Watch

    • Run pnpm install to set up everything.
    • Run pnpm watch in one terminal so Arto recompiles on changes.
  2. Work in the Examples (optional)

    • In another terminal, pnpm -F "./examples/react" run dev to start the dev server.
    • Make changes in /packages/arto/src; the example app reloads whenever Arto rebuilds.
  3. Test

    • In a third terminal, you might do pnpm test:watch to see test results in real-time as you code.
  4. Docs (if you’re updating docs):

    • Run pnpm docs:dev to preview doc changes live.
  5. Commit & Push

    • Ensure lint and tests pass: pnpm lint && pnpm test.
    • Use the conventional commit style for your commit message.
    • Push your branch and open a Pull Request.


  • Install issues: If you run into problems installing, make sure your Node version matches the required version in package.json.
  • Symlink confusion: In rare cases, some editors or tooling might not handle pnpm symlinks well. Restart your editor if you see “missing imports.”
  • Permission errors: On some systems, you might need to set up husky hooks or fix file permissions (run chmod +x .husky/* if needed).


  • The pnpm workspace structure means you can build, watch, and test all or just specific packages.
  • Examples are the best place to quickly see changes in action.
  • Docs can be edited and previewed live with pnpm docs:dev.
  • If you’re unsure about any step, check Contributing Guide or open a discussion in GitHub.

Happy coding! 🚀

Open-sourced under the MIT License. Contributions are welcome!